
✍️"To learn effectively it is important to tailor your study habits to your own needs and approach, this often means choosing techniques that work for you and evaluating them from time to time to determine if you need to try something new". Patriot Odunaro Babatunde Jimoh
Basically, this is a fancy way of saying that we learn by:
  • Doing something (Concrete Experimentation)
  • Thinking about it (Reflection)
  • Doing some research
  • Talking with others and applying what we already know to the situation (Abstract Conceptualization)
  • Doing something new or doing the same thing in a more sophisticated way based on our learning (Active Experimentation).                                                                                          
In all your getting get wisdom!
Be optimistic always be yourself, believed in yourself, run your race at your pace and no competition in destiny. 
This is something youth must remember don`t try to live too early.
This is the time where you build yourself in body, in mind, in competence and in capability.
You build yourself, time to live will come!
It is well with our soul Allahumo Kunfayakun Amin!!                                                              
Knowledge is power! 
✍️ 🇳🇬❤️Patriot Odunaro Babatunde Jimoh🇳🇬❤️

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