Monday, October 31, 2022



Kissing causes a chemical reaction in your brain, including a burst of the hormone oxytocin. It's often referred to as the “love hormone,” because it stirs up feelings of affection and attachment.

According to a 2013 study, oxytocin is particularly important in helping men bond with a partner and stay monogamous.

God is about to kiss you and you will be happy forever.

Kisses help people to bond as it ignites the feelings of affection and attachment.

There are three types of kisses.

The first one is the kiss between a man and a woman. This is a kind of kiss that is borne out of amorous relationship. For example, Jacob kissed Rachel (Gen 29:11).


The second kind of kiss is the one between brethren. It is kiss that is in form of greetings. For instance, the Bible says in 1 Peter 5:14, Greet one another with a holy kiss. This kind of kiss is common in the western world.


The third type of kiss is the kiss between God and man. God has the tendency to kiss human beings. The Bible says in Song of Solomon 1:2, “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth- For your love is better than wine. If God kisses you, your life can never remain the same. A kiss cannot be given unless you are close. You need to be close to God before he can kiss you. Get close to God today and cry loud!

Holy Spirit kiss me.

Master Jesus kiss me.

Father kiss me.

All you will be hearing this week is good news!

Good day to you all allahumo kunfayakun amin.




1. If you speak too much, you will lie.

2. If you think too much, you will be depressed.

3. If you cry too much, you will lose your sight.

4. If you love too much, you will be lost.

5. If you care too much, you will be taken for granted.

6. If you play too much, you will not be taken serious often.

7. If you trust too much, you will be betrayed.

8. If you work too much, you will die of stress.

9. If you eat too much, you will be obsessed

10. If you sleep too much, you will be idle.

11. If you spend too much, you will have no future.

12. If you wear make up too much, you will lose your beauty.

13. If you look too much, you will lose your focus.

14. If you pursue life too much, you will lose everything.

And lastly...

15. If you expect too much, you will be disappointed. Don't be too much because that too much can hurt you so much.

All you will be hearing this week is good news!

Good day to you all allahumo kunfayakun amin. 

Kindly, click the link below to explore more about the secret behind kiss: